Christian Surfers International

Christian Surfers International (CSI) is a thriving non-profit organisation dedicated to sharing the love and message of Jesus Christ with surfing communities worldwide. Through their talented team of passionate staff and volunteers, CSI focuses on connecting, training, and serving to ensure that every surfer and every surfing community has an opportunity to know and follow Jesus. With a strong presence in over 35 countries, CSI provides various avenues of service and engagement for its volunteers, such as organising outreach events, beach clean-ups, and surf competitions. The organisation also offers training programs that equip individuals to become effective leaders, mentors, and role models within the surfing community. By joining Christian Surfers International, you will become part of a global family united by a love for surfing and a shared commitment to impact the lives of surfers and their communities positively. You'll have the chance to contribute to a powerful mission, work alongside like-minded individuals, and participate in local and international gatherings, celebrating the joys of surfing and the transformative power of faith. Let your passion for surfing and your heart for service come together in this fulfilling opportunity with Christian Surfers International. Embrace the chance to make a lasting impact on the surfing world and inspire others to follow the path of faith and love.