Garden of Hope Mildura Inc

Garden of Hope Mildura Inc is a not-for-profit organisation that strives to promote positivity and inspire hope through the creation of a beautiful, all-encompassing garden by the edge of Lake Hawthorn in Mildura. This unique destination, spanning over 16 acres, aims to serve as both a tourist attraction and a peaceful haven where families, friends, and individuals can come together to find encouragement, solace, and enjoyment. At the heart of the organisation are its values of empathy, creativity, and community. The garden features a range of artistic installations, including artefacts, sculptures, quotations, and verses that convey messages of hope, life, and inspiration. Furthermore, Garden of Hope Mildura Inc ensures this space is filled with various other amenities, including a playground, mini-golf course, and a cozy coffee nook for light refreshments and special events. Working for Garden of Hope Mildura Inc presents a fulfilling opportunity for those passionate about making a positive impact on people's lives, connecting with others, and fostering an environment where inspiration, peace, and hope bloom. Join the team and help create a better tomorrow for the local community and beyond!