God Conversations Limited

God Conversations Limited is a global ministry dedicated to helping people recognise and respond to God's voice. Led by Rev Dr Tania Harris, this inspiring organisation serves churches, colleges, community gatherings, and ministry organisations, providing support, training, and resources to people of all ages and denominations. At the core of their values lies the belief that communication with God should be a two-way street, and that every individual has the ability to hear and follow God’s voice, just as Jesus promised (John 10:27). Join the team at God Conversations Limited to be a part of a mission that transforms lives and connects people to their deeper purpose. Through your work, you will have the opportunity to engage in various activities such as facilitating online courses, supporting speaking events, and creating content that empowers others to cultivate their spiritual connection to God. If you are passionate about enriching others' lives and strengthening their faith, then working for God Conversations Limited is the perfect opportunity for you to make a meaningful difference in the world. Embark on this fulfilling journey and watch as the lives of those you touch begin to flourish in a newfound relationship with God.