HandUp Congo Incorporated

HandUp Congo Incorporated is a dedicated not-for-profit organisation, committed to providing sustainable solutions to empower Congolese communities. With more than 18 years of experience, HandUp Congo has carried out over 40 community-driven projects touching the lives of more than 1.5k children and families. Offering a hand up, not a handout, HandUp Congo believes in responding to community needs by providing the tools and training required for income generation, ultimately resulting in improved education, health, and wellbeing. Through initiatives like community gardens, microfinance programs, emergency medical education, and various income-enhancing projects, HandUp Congo has significantly improved food security, bolstered local economies, and provided essential healthcare knowledge to communities in need. Joining the HandUp Congo team means being part of an organisation that values collaboration, human rights, and dignity. Working together with like-minded partners and volunteers, HandUp Congo's mission is to empower people living in poverty lead healthy, productive lives. Their impact is achieved by listening to the voices of the Congolese community and providing tailored solutions to achieve long-lasting change. Are you ready to make a difference and offer a hand up to the people of Congo? Get involved with HandUp Congo today!