Melbourne Tramcar Preservation Association Inc.

The Melbourne Tramcar Preservation Association Inc. (MTPA) is a passionate non-profit organisation dedicated to preserving and celebrating the rich history of Melbourne's iconic tramcars. With a dedicated team of skilled and enthusiastic volunteers, MTPA focuses on the restoration, maintenance, and showcasing of a unique collection of former Melbourne trams at its Haddon site. The association offers fascinating insights into the city's transportation heritage, with a diverse range of historic trams that tell the story of Melbourne's evolving public transport system. MTPA is not just about its impressive collection, but also about the people who bring these trams back to life. Joining the organisation means working alongside a group of committed and knowledgeable volunteers who are always eager to share their expertise and experiences with newcomers. At MTPA, you will be a part of a close-knit community that values teamwork, learning, and appreciation for the past. By preserving these historic trams, MTPA plays an essential role in preserving Melbourne's cultural and technical heritage for future generations. As a member of the organisation, you will contribute to keeping these legendary trams alive while continually learning and growing within this captivating field. Let your passion for history and transport guide you towards an enriching and fulfilling experience with Melbourne Tramcar Preservation Association Inc.