Motor Neurone Disease New South Wales Ltd

Motor Neurone Disease New South Wales Ltd (MND NSW) is a caring and compassionate organisation, dedicated to providing information, support, and education for people living with motor neurone disease (MND) in New South Wales, ACT, and NT. At MND NSW, they understand the needs of the individuals and families affected by this condition and are committed to making a difference in their lives. They also actively raise funds for research into finding a cause and cure for MND. MND NSW offers a range of services, including MND Info Line, MND Advisor, equipment support through FlexEquip, carer support, education and information sessions, support groups, and the MND National Youth Hub. They also provide vital information and education for health, community, and residential care professionals involved in MND care. By joining the MND NSW team, you will become an essential part of a growing network of people working together to improve the lives of those affected by MND. Whether you are a professional, a volunteer, or a fundraiser, your efforts will contribute to making a real impact in the fight against MND. Become a part of MND NSW, and help create a brighter future for individuals and families living with motor neurone disease.