Street Growth Incorporated

Street Growth Incorporated ( is a compassionate not-for-profit charity dedicated to improving the lives of individuals experiencing homelessness and disadvantage. By focusing on mental health issues and providing essential support through community engagement and wellbeing programs, Street Growth offers a safe space for personal growth and healing. At the heart of the organisation lies its beautiful garden, which runs weekly sessions that foster social responsibility, pride, and green practices. These gardening opportunities not only promote a socially sustainable future but also directly benefit the participants through plant sales and donations. Proceeds from these efforts are used to resource and maintain the garden, making it a vibrant and inclusive space for everyone. Street Growth is composed of a driven and empathetic team that actively welcomes new members, volunteers, and donations to continue making a positive impact on the lives of the homeless and disadvantaged. By joining or supporting this life-changing organisation, you can become a part of a community that values human potential, promotes social responsibility, and contributes to a greener tomorrow.