The Trustee For Genesis Charitable Foundation Trust

The Trustee for Genesis Charitable Foundation Trust is a values-driven not-for-profit organisation dedicated to nurturing Christian ministries and making a positive impact for Christ's Kingdom. By providing seed capital and strategic support to Christian organisations, the Genesis Foundation aims to help these institutions multiply their work, implement self-funding projects and grow sustainably. Aspiring professionals who share the foundation's passion for advancing Christian work can make a significant difference by joining the organisation's mission. To contribute in a tangible way, employees will have the opportunity to participate in strategic planning initiatives and other processes that positively influence the growth of Christian ministries. The focus of giving is currently being reviewed, narrowing down the number of grants issued to maximise impact. With a centralised focus on values and community impact, the Genesis Foundation serves as an inspiring environment for those looking to make a difference in the world of Christian ministry. Do not miss the chance to be a part of this dedicated community at the Trustee for Genesis Charitable Foundation Trust – the right place to harness your skills and passion for promoting Christian values and making a lasting impact on countless lives.