Uca - Pine Rivers

Uca - Pine Rivers is a welcoming and vibrant congregation of the Uniting Church in Australia, offering a warm and nurturing place for people to connect, grow in faith, and contribute to their community. Located in the beautiful Brisbane suburb of Kallangur, Uca - Pine Rivers attracts over 100 regular attendees who gather each Sunday to engage in uplifting worship services, learn from insightful teachings, and deepen their understanding of God's character revealed through Jesus Christ. At Uca - Pine Rivers, they believe that by reaching out and serving others, they can help to create a better world for everyone. Their mission and service programs include Emergency Relief, Girls Brigade, and Operation Christmas Child, reflecting their dedication to providing support and care to those in need. If you have a passion for working with children and youth, Uca - Pine Rivers offers meaningful opportunities for you to make a difference in the lives of the next generation. By volunteering in their ministry programs, you can be part of a team that fosters spiritual growth and development in a safe and nurturing environment. Join Uca - Pine Rivers and be inspired by their strong values, commitment to service, and the lasting impact they have on the community. With your help, they can continue to be a place of hope, light, and transformation for people of all ages and backgrounds.