Uniting In Care Salisbury Inc

Uniting In Care Salisbury Inc is a compassionate non-profit organisation committed to making a positive difference in the local community. Driven by their innate desire to help people in need, this empathetic network has been serving the Salisbury City Council area since the early '90s, offering invaluable emergency relief services to people experiencing financial hardship or distress. By joining Uniting In Care Salisbury, you will become part of a passionate team dedicated to providing essential aid and support. A friendly and welcoming atmosphere underlines the weekly morning tea gatherings; this is a place where you will immediately feel at home. Additionally, free lunches provided on the second Wednesday of each month invite all community members to come together and share a meal. As a member of the Uniting In Care Salisbury family, you will have the opportunity to work alongside caring staff and volunteers in various programs, reach out to those in need, and make a real and lasting impact on individuals and families' lives. With continued prayers for God's guidance and blessings, the organisation is ever grateful to its contributors who enable them to extend a helping hand to those who need it most. So, why not be part of Uniting In Care Salisbury's inspiring mission? Join this nurturing organisation, and be the change you wish to see in your community.